1. TOP
2022.05.06New students have entered Japan!
With the lifting of restrictions on entry into Japan from March, Waseda Keifuku Language Academy has been receiving a steady stream of new students since April. After being unable to enter Japan for a…
2022.03.29The Graduation Ceremony
We hold the graduation ceremony on March 2nd.    This year, 42 students graduated and left for their own paths.   Congratulations to all of our graduates!   …
2022.03.16Graduation Trip・A Walk in Asakusa
On Feb. 25, we had a sightseen tour as the graduation trip. It was fine, sunny and great day for sightseeing, though it is usually still cold in Tokyo this season.   ➀Senso-ji Temple   First, we …
2022.03.09Bulletin of Success
~2022年度入学・合格速報~   合格おめでとうございます! 恭喜合格! Congratulation!      …
Happy New Year.   The class of Waseda keifuku language academy has started from January 5. In order to pray for the safety and peace of the new year, we went to Hachimangu shrine near the Waseda Un…
2021.12.24End of year greetings
Hello everyone. This year also becomes a very difficult year by the influence of the coronavirus. However, with the support of many people, our academy successfully carried out this year's courses to…
2021.12.15Japanese speech contest
On November 22, a Japanese speech contest has been held at Keifuku language academy The representatives of each class have made their speech about what they want to present to the audience students a…
2021.10.19Washi making experience
On September 22nd and 24th, we visited Ozu Washi and experienced the production of traditional Japanese handmade paper. Ozu Washi was founded in 1653 as a store that mainly handles handmade Japanese …
2021.09.28The animation experience joint class
Japanese animation is very popular all over the world. Many of the international students have been familiar with Japanese animation since they were young, and some even decided to study in Japan beca…
2021.08.04Yukata experience
A “Yukata experience” was held on July 19th. “Yukata” is one of the traditional Japanese culture, it used to be worn when taking a bath, but now it is worn when participating in festival and other act…