2023.08.16Art Exhibition “RS Exhibition”
We held an art exhibition called the “RS Exhibition” at the school on July 3rd. The name of the exhibition comes from the initials “R” and “S,” which are the romanized first letters of the names of two students from our school’s advanced art class, Lin (RIN) and Cai (SAI).
Entrance to the Art Exhibition Art Exhibition AreaTwo participating students and the chairman.Presenting Lin’s artwork to the chairman.Presenting Cai’s artwork to the chairman and board members.The Japanese language teachers from our school also participated in the exhibition.
Left in the photo: Mr. Konno, the instructor of the art class.
This exhibition became a significant experience for the two students. It provided them with the opportunity to explain their own artworks to others in Japanese before their art college entrance exams. It became an important platform for growth and development.
There were many valuable takeaways from the exhibition, such as learning how to present one’s own artworks to others, gaining inspiration and advice from others, and engaging in interactions with numerous people through the artworks.
When applying to art universities, this experience will likely serve as an advantage. It will provide the students with the confidence and ability to present their portfolio during interviews.